Massage Therapy Program

1 Year* Massage Therapy Training Program in Williamsville, New York
Beyond relaxation, Massage Therapy is becoming recognized as a valid complementary therapy when paired with traditional medicine. Due to its acceptance into mainstream healthcare, this growing industry is set to expand even more. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there’s a lot of job opportunities for Massage Therapists, with the industry forecasted to grow by 26% from 2016 – 2026. This means Massage Therapy is a stable career choice suited for people who enjoy working with their hands, interacting with others, staying active and providing the healing power of touch.
Next Start Date:
October 21, 2024Massage Therapy New York Institute of Massage – Williamsville You know you have it in you, now get the training to develop your skills, professionalism, and knowledge that you need to become a successful Massage Therapist. York Institute of Massage , January 27, 2025Massage Therapy New York Institute of Massage – Williamsville You know you have it in you, now get the training to develop your skills, professionalism, and knowledge that you need to become a successful Massage Therapist. York Institute of MassageIf you’re considering taking Massage Therapy career training you likely have big questions. Get more info or book a tour to make an informed decision about your future.
Get the Skills to Become a Massage Therapy Professional
The Massage Therapy program at New York Institute of Massage was carefully constructed to help you develop your skills, knowledge, and professionalism – qualities you need in order to become a successful Massage Therapist. Students learn theory and practice hands-on skills as they prepare to take the tough NY state board exam. If you feel like you need some remedial classes before you take your exam you’re in luck because NYIM offers free review classes to students and graduates.
During the Massage Therapy program you’ll learn:
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Business Management
- Health and Hygiene
- Introduction to Massage
- Law
- Massage Techniques
- Medical Massage
- Myology
- Neurology
- Oriental Massage
- Pathology
Once you successfully complete the program and pass the state board exam NYIM will add you to our placement list for new referrals. This is invaluable, as we keep strong industry contacts with massage businesses and franchises alike. Plus, if you decide to continue your schooling you can apply 23 transfer credits towards an associate’s degree at another college.
Career Opportunities
When you’re a Massage Therapist you can work in many settings, including:
- Medical
- Spas
- Salons
- Airports
- Hotels
- Resorts
- Chiropractic Offices
- Fitness Centers
- Work from home
Hands-On Training with Real Clients
Gain confidence when you practice your newfound massage therapy skills in our Student Clinic. You’ll get first-hand experience in operating a professional Massage Therapy practice in a supervised environment (you’ll be overseen by an LMT). Over the course of 80 massage sessions, you’ll practice techniques learned in each term, including Introduction to Massage, Massage Techniques, Oriental Massage, and Medical Massage.
Flexible Schedules
You don’t have to wait around for months once you’ve decided to enroll. New terms begin approximately every 12 weeks so you can begin taking classes almost immediately and get one step closer to achieving your career goals.
Full-time students can complete the program in as little as 1 year (4 terms), and part-time students can complete the program in just under 2 years (8 terms).
Tuition & Related Expenses
The cost breakdown for the entire Massage Therapy program is outlined below, as well as the books and supplies you need and where to find them. Federal Student Aid, Pell Grants, Veterans Benefits and scholarships are available to those who qualify. See the Financial Aid page to learn more.
Are You Massage Career Training Ready? Find Out! Take the NYIM “Massage Therapy Training Readiness Quiz”
This fun, online quiz takes 3 minutes to complete and you’ll get a personalized report. Identify your strengths, social style, and other details to find out if massage therapy is the right career for you. Get Your Massage Career Training Readiness Score Now.Admission Requirements
NYIM seeks students who desire a professional career and are prepared to undertake an intensive educational experience. Enrollment is limited and is based on the following requirements:
A prospective student must:
- Successfully complete a personal interview with an Admissions Representative.
- Submit a complete Application for Admission.
- Mail official high school transcripts; showing completion of a general or regent’s level diploma, or a copy of a GED directly to NYIM from your high school. (P.O. Box 645, Buffalo, NY 14231). We do not accept IEP diploma. High school transcripts/GED must be on file with NYIM, regardless of higher education.
- Submit two letters of recommendation, personal or professional (no relatives please). Letters should include how long they have known the prospective student and why they think the prospective student would be a successful massage therapist.
- Submit completed Background Check Release Form (enclosed). This form releases information on any prior criminal convictions. Please submit $15.00 plus tax if Erie County Resident, or $20.00 plus tax if Non-Erie County Resident, (non-refundable) check or money order. If the applicant has not lived in the current county of residence for at least thirty (30) days, an additional background release form and fee must be submitted for a background check in the previous county of residence.
- Be of good moral character.
- Submit photo ID (driver’s license or government issued photo ID), social security card or proof of citizenship.
- Be a minimum age of 17 (must be 18 to sit for New York Board Exam)
- Submit completed NYIM Medical Release Form (enclosed). This form must be signed by a physician.
- Complete a second interview including pre-admission testing. (Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam)
SLE score equal to or greater than 21 – considered for the matriculated program.
SLE score equal to 19 or 20 – considered for matriculated program. Taking Anatomy & Physiology ONLY During their first term.
SLE score equal to 17 or 18 – considered for Anatomy & Physiology ONLY as a Non-matriculated student.
SLE score equal to or less than 16 – rejected for admission.
*Potential students may take SLE up to two (2) times.
As a condition for enrollment the student must have an appointment to visit the school for a personal tour and a financial aid interview. Arrangements may be made by calling:
(716) 633-0355
Admissions appointments are available
Monday through Friday.
Completed application packets are subject to approval by the Admissions Committee, which meets regularly. Application packets are considered complete when all of the information is received by NYIM. The prospective student is encouraged to submit their application as soon as possible as classes are known to fill before the start date. After the application package is completed and reviewed by the Admissions Committee, the prospective student will be contacted to discuss the final steps required for enrollment.
Once the prospective student is accepted, a $150 registration deposit* is required to guarantee their seat in the program. An enrollment agreement must also be completed at the time of registration.
* All monies paid are to be paid in check, money order, credit card, or certified check form. No cash monies are accepted. Any returned checks for insufficient funds will be charged $35.00.
Non-immigrant Student Enrollment – this school is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant students. In addition to the admissions requirements listed above:
A prospective student must submit:
- Form I-20 Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (M-1) Student Status for Vocational Students.
- A copy of student visa/government issued photo identification
- Birth Certificate
- A copy or verification of English as a second language exam (i.e. TOEFL)
- All transcripts translated to English for review
Determination of Satisfactory Progress
Students must meet formal standards that measure their satisfactory progress toward graduation as well as pace of course completion in the specified time frame. The policy is consistently applied to all students and complies with the guidelines established by the school’s accrediting/state agencies and the federal regulations established by the US Department of Education, the student is required to:
- Maintain a term and cumulative course minimum average of 2.0 (C Grade or 70%, or greater)
- Receive no more than one “D” or “F” grade in any term, and no more than two “D” or “F” grades throughout the entire program, not including Anatomy & Physiology and Introduction to Massage
- Must successfully earn 67% of the hours attempted each term in order to complete the program in the maximum timeframe.
- Must receive a final grade of C (70% or 2.0) or greater in order successfully earn credit for the course hours, must achieve a final CPA of 2.0 (C grade or 70%) or greater in each course, in order to have academic standards eligible for graduation.
- Complete the entire program within 1.5 times the normal duration of the program. For a full-time student, that is 6 terms (4 x 1.5), and for a part-time student, that is 12 terms (8 x 1.5). For students switching enrollment status between full-time and part-time, the longer program limits will apply.
- Academic progress is measured each term (or in three month increments).
- Failure to meet the minimum passing grade requirements will result in an “F” grade for the course. The student must retake the course at an additional cost (no aid or loans apply) and meet or exceed the minimum-passing grade to successfully earn credit for the course hours. Both attempts will count as hours/courses attempted in determining the maximum timeframe to complete the program.
- If a student repeats a course, the higher final grade will be used in the final Core Point Average (C.P.A).
- Courses with a final grade of D, F, I, or W are attempted but not successfully earned, and will be counted in determining the maximum timeframe to complete the program.
In the event the student fails to maintain satisfactory progress, NYIM will review the student’s academic records to determine if the student is capable of benefiting from continued enrollment. The student will be placed on Academic Probation.
The student must be making satisfactory academic progress in order to be eligible for financial aid. If the student loses eligibility for financial aid due to not maintaining satisfactory academic progress, the student will not regain eligibility to receive financial aid until the student establishes that he or she is once again making satisfactory academic progress.
Student Complaint Policy
and Procedures
NYIM’s grievance/complaint procedure consists of a student, staff or faculty member submitting a letter of grievance form within seven (7) days of occurrence and handing it to the direct supervisor, unless that supervisor is involved in the grievance. In that case, that department head or the head of another department will handle the grievance. The handling supervisor must notify the other department heads of the grievance and call a meeting within seven (7) days of the grievance filing. Departments are: faculty, education, and administration. In the hearing, three (3) department heads will be present and in certain cases, a staff member, a faculty member, or the student’s peers will be asked to join in. During this meeting, the grievance will be reviewed and all sides of the story will be heard. Any evidence will be presented at this time. The grievance committee will have seven (7) days to deliberate and answer the complaint. No more than twenty-one (21) days shall pass from incident start to finish. Schools accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges must have a procedure and operational plan for handling student complaints. If a student does not feel that the school has adequately addressed a complaint or concern, the student may consider contacting the Accrediting Commission. All complaints reviewed by the Commission must be in written form and should grant permission for the Commission to forward a copy of the complaint to the school for a response. This can be accomplished by filing the ACCSC Complaint Form. The complainant(s) will be kept informed as to the status of the complaint as well as the final resolution by the Commission. Please direct all inquiries to:
Accrediting Commission of Career Schools & Colleges
2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 302
Arlington, VA 22201
(703) 247-4212
New York State Education Department – Office of the Professions
Discipline Complaint Form
Professional Discipline Complaint Form ( 29 KB)
You or your establishment may print this form and mail it to the OPD office closest to where the incident took place or fax it to: 212-951-6420. For information on filing a complaint call 1-800-442-8106 or email Please note, complaints must be submitted in writing and cannot be filed by phone. See instructions below. You may also wish to see a description of New York’s professional discipline system.
Instructions for Completing Complaint Form
To complain about service or treatment by a professional licensed to practice by the State of New York, or about illegal practice of a profession by an unlicensed person, complete the COMPLAINT form above and send it to the Office of Professional Discipline. Please note that we do not have authority to investigate fees you believe are too high or to intervene in fee disputes. However, we can investigate complaints involving fraudulent billing.
Type or print clearly in black ink. Describe your complaint as completely as you can. If you do not have a daytime telephone number, it is helpful if you can provide a number where a message can be left for you during the day. If you have any papers which may support your complaint, such as bills or correspondence, please attach copies. Do not send originals. If you have physical evidence, such as incorrectly dispensed medications, it is important for you to retain that evidence in its original condition.
Be sure to sign and date your complaint. Send it to one of the regional offices of the Office of Professional Discipline. When your complaint is received, it will be assigned to an investigator who will contact you in writing or by telephone. You will have an opportunity to explain your complaint in more detail. If we do not have the authority to investigate your complaint, we will refer it to the appropriate agency.
Also, complete the AUTHORIZATION form above by entering your name and the name of the practitioner and/or hospital in the appropriate spaces. The Authorization directs the professional, hospital, or other facility to release information about your treatment or the services rendered to you. Sign and date the Authorization, and have it signed and dated by a witness. A witness can be any person 18 years old or older. The Authorization does not have to be notarized. A completed Authorization helps us investigate your complaint in a timely manner. If you do not want to complete the Authorization, you may leave it blank. However, leaving the Authorization blank may delay the investigation.
IMPORTANT! Complaints against physicians (general practitioners, internists, cardiologists, gynecologists, pediatricians, urologists, psychiatrists, surgeons, radiologists, oncologists, anesthesiologists, ophthalmologists, orthopedists, and others), physician assistants and specialist assistants should be sent to New York State Department of Health, Office of Professional Medical Conduct External Link Icon, Riverview Center, 150 Broadway, Suite 355, Albany, NY 12204-2719. You may call that office at 1-800-663-6114 (Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm eastern) or e-mail the office at All other complaints should be sent to one of OPD’s offices. Sending the complaint to the wrong agency will delay the investigation.